Selected for Osaka City Seed Acceleration Program (OSAP)

From June 2019 to December 2019, Elcyo was selected as a participant in the 7th cohort of Osaka City's Seed Acceleration Program (OSAP). We are deeply grateful for the support we have received from everyone involved. OSAP (OIH Startup Acceleration Program) is an initiative designed to accelerate the growth of early-stage startups by providing them with guidance from experienced entrepreneurs and opportunities to collaborate with major corporations and venture capital firms.
For more details, please see the link below.
【追記】 2019年10月23日にOSAPの卒業式がありました。OSAPに採択頂いたことで、多くの方から新たにご支援を頂くことができました。深く御礼を申し上げるとともに、みなさまにご恩返しすることを目指し、エルシオは猪突猛進的に成長してまいります。引き続き、何卒よろしくお願い申し上げます(以下の写真は卒業式の様子です)。